Get started with LifeSmarts
LifeSmarts is the nation’s premier consumer program, providing real-world education to students who learn about core consumer topics and develop critical thinking skills and leadership opportunities. LifeSmarts is a comprehensive consumer education program that is free to middle school and high school students and educators. Our goal? To create consumer savvy young people who will be better equipped for adult life in today’s complex, global marketplace.
On this page you’ll find quick links to get started!
Resources For Coaches
- Download the LifeSmarts Coach’s Guide
- New LifeSmarts Monthly Checklist Calendar – a suggested checklist for coaches
- LifeSmarts in a Box Email us to request a hard copy while supplies last.
Resources For Students
- Revised “How to LifeSmarts”
- New content vocabulary is featured in resources and competition
- Check out all of our most popular learning resources
- LifeSmarts videos: Competitors, educators, coordinators, and sponsors tell the LifeSmarts story
- Promo Flyer encouraging students to sign up
- Learn about all of the competitive events that LifeSmarts offers
- Varsity and Junior Varsity LifeSmarts competition is open!
- Learn more about your state competition, find important dates, and connect with your State Coordinator
- Visit your state page
- Wild Card LifeSmarts teams are invited to compete at the National LifeSmarts Championship through a rigorous, project-based selection process.
- TeamSmarts allows teams to compete for cash prizes each month, September through February. This web-based team competition is a great team practice tool.
Partner Competitions
- Partnering with student leadership organizations strengthens LifeSmarts and complements these organizations’ projects, judging events, competitive events, and activities.
- Learn more about our partnership with FBLA and the LifeSmarts FBLA Challenge
- Read about our partnership with 4-H, the 4-H Summer Challenge, and all the ways LifeSmarts and 4-H work together
- Review requirements for the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl and how we partner with FCCLA
- Learn about our partnership with BPA and the LifeSmarts BPA Personal Finance Challenge and the LifeSmarts BPA Technology & Workforce Preparation Challenge
- Learn about our partnership with SkillsUSA and the LifeSmarts SkillsUSA Health & Safety Challenge
Community Service and Scholarship Opportunities
- OTC Medicine Safety Mentoring: The project promotes safe medicine storage, safe use of OTC medicine, and understanding the Drug Facts label. High school students demonstrate leadership by teaching younger students about medicine safety. The lesson is easy to adapt to classroom, club, and community settings.
- Sarah Weinberg scholarship: Coaches, nominate an outstanding High School senior who makes a difference in your community. Deadline: March 15 annually.
- Learn about other awards and scholarships you can earn in LifeSmarts!