LifeSmarts builds consumer literacy by combining uniquely broad consumer content with a vocabulary-building framework. The free resources and online and live competitions provide students with the opportunity to show what they have learned and how they are applying this new information to daily life.
Tips for using content vocabulary:
- Have students take our weekly vocabulary quizzes (students login, then find the folder called Weekly Quizzes under their Quizzes tab). Click “load more” to see all the quizzes from 2023-24.
- Download the entire glossary to use as a study tool
- Use the glossary with many of the fun learning activities found in LifeSmarts in a Box
- Review the Question of the Day calendars and review vocabulary as a bell-ringer activity in class or an ice-breaker at meetings.
- Use the monthly Question of the Day calendars to run fun competitions in the classroom or in a practice session
- Have students play our monthly Flippity study cards