Be Smart About What You Share

LifeSmarts Toolbox Lesson: Be Smart About What You Share




Thanks to our friends at Meta for sponsoring this LifeSmarts Toolbox Lesson.

Social media safety, security, and privacy require attention and a thoughtful approach. There are both short-term and long-term impacts about what you share. Students will learn more about ways to guard and control this information. It is beneficial to learn this as early as possible, ideally as you begin communicating through social media.

This LifeSmarts Toolbox Lesson begins the conversation about when and how much to share, as well as how to safeguard social media accounts. This lesson is designed to provide students and mentors with a variety of learning options. Some of these materials will serve as a review of prior knowledge, others will add to that knowledge by providing a deeper understanding of online privacy, security, and safety.

It is up to you to decide what to scan, explore more fully, or study. The goals are twofold; one is to prepare high school students to mentor younger students and choose the materials that best suit a specific audience.The second goal is to increase your own understanding of the information and apply it, as needed, to your own social media presence.

Materials marked “JV” are more appropriate for middle school, or LifeSmarts Junior Varsity audiences. Materials marked as “Varsity” are tailored for high school students.

Let’s get started!

High School Lesson Plan, a great place to start to assess your own understanding and review all the tools you may use in your presentations
Sample Mentor Action Plan, a script to adapt to your audience and style
Toolbox Components, a variety of learning activities

  1. Content Vocabulary, JV
  2. Agree, Disagree, Maybe If… Worksheet or Game, JV
  3. Discussion Prompts Agree, Disagree, Maybe If…, JV
  4. Fishbowl Questions, JV
  5. Fishbowl Answer Key, JV
  6. Privacy Game, from Meta’s Get Digital Program
  7. “Your Digital Footprint” video, from Meta’s We Think Digital
    1. Video Link:
  8. Online Extensions, Vocabulary Kahoot!/Quizlet, JV
  9. Swat the Word Activity, JV
  10. Content Vocabulary, Varsity 
  11. Worksheet: Content Vocabulary, Varsity
  12. Agree, Disagree, Maybe If…Activity Worksheet or Game, Varsity
  13. Discussion Prompts Agree, Disagree, Maybe If… Varsity
  14. “Your Digital Footprint” video, from Meta’s We Think Digital
    1. Video Link:
  15. “Online Reputation” lesson, from Meta’s Get Digital (scroll down)
  16. Tell Me the Question Activity, Varsity