New Coaches – FCCLA

Welcome FCCLA Advisers!

LifeSmarts has always had a strong connection with FCCLA, and now student members of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America have the opportunity to compete both in LifeSmarts and in the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl.

Learn more about the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl
The FCCLA /  LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl begins with the online qualification quiz. The top 40 scoring teams advance to compete in the FCCLA /  LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl Finals at the FCCLA National Leadership Conference in Orlando in July, 2025.

Learn more about  state and national Varsity LifeSmarts competitions including the FCCLA TeamSmarts Challenge.

We invite FCCLA chapters to participate in state and national LifeSmarts championships.

  • Teams may compete in both their state’s Varsity LifeSmarts competition and in the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl.
  • Four- or five-person teams compete online with the chance to advance to their state in-person or online competition
    and the National LifeSmarts Championship in April
  • Teams must complete the online qualification quizzes before their state’s online closing date
  • FCCLA teams may also apply for a wild card bid to represent their chapter, school and the FCCLA organization and compete at the National LifeSmarts Championship
    • To apply for and receive a Wild Card bid to the National LifeSmarts Championship, FCCLA chapters must complete the application and requirements.

LifeSmarts FCCLA Monthly TeamSmarts Awards
FCCLA chapters can win monthly TeamSmarts awards! Register your team at,  The TeamSmarts quizzes are open each month from August – February. The top-scoring FCCLA team will receive a $100 cash prize! Learn more about TeamSmarts here. Teams may win one TeamSmarts award per competition season.

Please contact us with any additional questions.

Best of luck in the competition this year!