StudySmart Guides
LifeSmarts created the StudySmart guides to help busy coaches and teams get a quick start on in-depth categories. Each guide provides facts to know, vocabulary, and other information.
NEW StudySmart Subject Guides:
These new guides focus on one LifeSmarts subject.
- Alternative Energy StudySmart
- Cryptocurrency StudySmart
- Food Product Dating StudySmart
- Home Inventory StudySmart
- Health Care StudySmart
- Moving Expenses StudySmart
- Nutrition StudySmart
- Online Shopping StudySmart
- Post-Secondary Education StudySmart
- Time Management StudySmart
NEW StudySmarts Enrichment
These enrichment materials are provided as study guides for additional consumer topics that will be covered in LifeSmarts.
Other StudySmarts
January 2022 StudySmart: Focus on the Environment and action to take to protect the planet
December 2021 StudySmart: Focus on Technology & Workforce Preparation and staying safe and shopping smart online
November 2021 StudySmart: Focus on Consumer Rights and anti-counterfeiting
October 2021 StudySmart: Focus on Personal Finance and LifeSmarts U lessons on buying a used vehicle, choosing and financing post-secondary education, and Mint and Turbotax simulations
September 2021 StudySmart: Focus on Health & Safety and the LifeSmarts OTC Medicine Safety Mentoring project
Older Technology StudySmart