StudySmart Guides and Podcasts
LifeSmarts created the StudySmart guides to help busy coaches and teams get a quick start on in-depth categories. Each guide provides facts to know, vocabulary, and other information.
NEW StudySmart Subject Guides:
These new guides focus on one LifeSmarts subject.
- Getting a Job
- Meal Interview Etiquette
- Technostress
- Basics of Investing
- Alternative Energy StudySmart
- Automotive Basics (Combined with Teen Driver Car Mainenance)
- Buying a House
- Disaster Preparedness
- Civics – Rights & Duties of Citizenship
- Cryptocurrency StudySmart
- Food Product Dating StudySmart
- Home Inventory StudySmart
- Health Care StudySmart
- Junk Fees
- Moving Expenses StudySmart
- Nutrition and Food StudySmart
- Online Shopping
- Post-Secondary Education StudySmart
- Time Management StudySmart
StudySmarts Enrichment
These enrichment materials are provided as study guides for additional consumer topics that will be covered in LifeSmarts.
Traveling with Teens Infographic
Other StudySmarts
January 2022 StudySmart: Focus on the Environment and action to take to protect the planet
December 2021 StudySmart: Focus on Technology & Workforce Preparation and staying safe and shopping smart online
November 2021 StudySmart: Focus on Consumer Rights and anti-counterfeiting
October 2021 StudySmart: Focus on Personal Finance and LifeSmarts U lessons on buying a used vehicle, choosing and financing post-secondary education, and Mint and Turbotax simulations
September 2021 StudySmart: Focus on Health & Safety and the LifeSmarts OTC Medicine Safety Mentoring project
Older Technology StudySmart