Welcome FCCLA Students and Advisers!
LifeSmarts has always had a strong connection with FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America), and teams affiliated with FCCLA have the opportunity to compete in LifeSmarts Varsity and Junior Varsity competitions as well as the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl.
- Click here for directions to register for LifeSmarts.
- Click here for the updated FCCLA coach’s quick reference guide.
Learn more about the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl
- FCCLA / LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl Guidelines
- Important: The FCCLA Fall Qualifying Quiz to qualify to advance to NLC is available from Oct. 21 – November 24, 2024.
- The team captain logs in at LifeSmarts.org, clicks on their Quizzes tab (on the left side) and selects the folder for FCCLA Fall Qualifying Quiz 2024.
- FCCLA photos from FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl NLC Finals
Learn more about state and national Varsity LifeSmarts competitions including the Monthly FCCLA TeamSmarts Challenge.
- We invite FCCLA chapters to participate in state and national LifeSmarts championships.
- Teams may compete in both their state’s Varsity LifeSmarts competition and in the FCCLA/LifeSmarts Knowledge Bowl.
- Four- or five-person teams compete online with the chance to advance to their state in-person or online competition and
the National LifeSmarts Varsity Championship in April or the Virtual Junior Varsity National LifeSmarts Championship - Teams must complete the online qualification quizzes before their state’s online closing date
- FCCLA teams may also apply for a wild card bid to represent their chapter, school and the FCCLA organization and compete at the National LifeSmarts Championship
- To apply for and receive a Wild Card champion invitation to the National LifeSmarts Championship, FCCLA chapters must complete the application and requirements.
LifeSmarts FCCLA TeamSmarts Challenge Awards
FCCLA chapters can win monthly TeamSmarts Challenge awards! Register your team at LifeSmarts.org; the top-scoring FCCLA team will receive a $100 cash prize! The TeamSmarts quizzes are open each month from August – February. Learn more about TeamSmarts here. (Teams may win one TeamSmarts award per year.)
Please contact us with any additional questions.
Best of luck in the competition this year!