West Virginia

Welcome to another year of LifeSmarts where we say, “Learn it, Live it!”
Welcome to LifeSmarts! Here you’ll learn about consumer issues that impact your everyday life – everything from managing your finances, making smart consumer choices, understanding emerging technology, preparing for the workforce, staying healthy and safe, and helping the environment – all with the goal of putting you in charge and making your future LifeSmart!
Coaches are invited to register and create teams, and students may register and compete online. Coaches have access to many free lesson plans and other educational resources to help make this a great classroom activity. Click on the Resources tab to view them. New(er) to LifeSmarts? Be sure to download the Coach’s Guide.
Students, we hope that you’ll check out the resources you find here, test your knowledge with practice quizzes, use TeamSmarts and LifeSmarts U, and compete online. Contact the LifeSmarts staff with any questions.
To join the state Varsity and JV competitions, please complete the following before the closing date for your specific grade division.
VARSITY DETAILS (Grades 9-12): Varsity Teams are made up of students in grades 9-12. All students are eligible to compete in LifeSmarts Varsity competitions including those in our partner organizations (4-H, BPA, FBLA, FCCLA, 4-H, SkillsUSA, etc.). The State champion Varsity team earns the opportunity to compete in the National LifeSmarts Championship in Chicago, IL April 24-27, 2025
BPA, FBLA, FCCLA, and SkillsUSA Chapters have their own special LifeSmarts competitions but are also eligible to compete in our state varsity level competition. 4-H teams compete as Varsity or Junior Varsity teams and also have a special 4-H summer challenge. Students are eligible to be on one state varsity team and also on two other organization teams. Team coaches should download the specific group instructions from the Coaches Page.
Teams should study as much as possible then complete the final online competition quizzes between October 01, 2024- December 20, 2024. Qualifying teams will be invited to complete the in person State LifeSmarts Championship on January 25, 2025 to determine the State Varsity Champion.
Varsity competition opens 10/1/2024
Varsity closes 12/20/2024.
In Person State LifeSmarts Championship will be 2/08/2025
National LifeSmarts Championship: April 24 – 27, 2025, Chicago, IL
JV Details and Dates: Junior Varsity Competition is open 10/1/2024 – 3/1/2025 . The top-scoring Junior Varsity team in our state will receive an invitation to compete in the virtual National LifeSmarts Junior Varsity Championship May 14 – 15, 2025.
Junior Varsity competition opens 10/1/2024
Junior Varsity competition closes 3/1/2025
Virtual National LifeSmarts Junior Varsity Championship – May 2025 for state winning JV team
Steps for Coaches
Step 1: Coaches should register as a coach ASAP so that we can communicate next steps with you. Competition officially opens yearly on August 1. Teams can be created or updated after that date.
Step 2: Students register or log back in and take the pre-test as soon as possible (20 multiple-choice questions) – required before you can access step 5
Step 3: Coaches create teams, or update teams to be certain students are on the appropriate team (Teams are 4-5 students and you must select a team captain)
Step 4: Study, study, study using practice quizzes, the resources section and any other resources you have accessible. Monthly TeamSmarts competitions are also a great option.
Step 5: Opening October 1st: Students must take the pre-test and five individual topic quizzes (20 multiple-choice questions each topic) – required before you can access step 6.
Step 6: Students must complete the final Capstone quiz (20 multiple-choice questions) prior to the closing date for your specific grade division.
Good luck! Please contact me with any questions! Additional information is also available here: https://lifesmarts.org/coaches/new-coaches/
- Megan Pintus
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