
Welcome to Georgia LifeSmarts! Here you’ll learn about consumer issues that impact your everyday life – everything from managing your finances, making smart consumer choices, understanding technology, staying healthy, and helping the environment – all with the goal of putting you in charge.

Coaches are invited to register and create teams, and students may register and compete online. We hope that you’ll check out the resources you find here, test your knowledge with practice quizzes, use TeamSmarts and LifeSmarts U, and compete online. Contact LifeSmarts staff with any questions.

VARSITY / High School Dates:
Online practice and qualifying competition is open now through February 3, 2025. At least four players must complete all five category quizzes and the capstone post-test by February 3. The top six teams will be invited to the state competition. Qualifying teams will receive additional information. The State Varsity LifeSmarts Championship will be held on February 17, 2025; Location: Rock Eagle 4-H Center.

The State Champion team will represent Georgia in the 31st LifeSmarts National Championship in Chicago, April 24-27.

Junior Varsity (Grades 6-8) Dates:
Online practice and qualifying competition is open now through February 3, 2025. At least four players must complete all five category quizzes and the capstone post-test by February 3. The top six teams will be invited to the state competition. Qualifying teams will receive additional information.

The State Champion Junior Varsity Team will represent Georgia in the first-ever National LifeSmarts Junior Varsity Championship, May 14-15, 2025. This event will be held online.

Questions? Contact the Georgia State Coordinator:
Brittani Lee
Georgia 4-H Program Development Coordinator Northwest District

Thanks to our state sponsors:
Mississippi 4-H
Contact Your Coordinator
  • Brittani Lee
  • Georgia 4-H
  • Send Mail     Phone: 770-528-4070
JV Competition Dates
Varsity Competition Dates