LifeSmarts Continuing Education Unit Opportunities
LifeSmarts will provide Continuing Education Unit certificates to LifeSmarts teachers / coaches / advisors / agents / volunteers for participating in LifeSmarts professional learning sessions and general education sessions.
Learn more and begin earning your CEUs
Current list of approved CEU opportunities / categories (further explained in above document):
- Serving as a LifeSmarts coach for a team advancing to the National LifeSmarts Championship
- Serving as a LifeSmarts coach
- Serving as a LifeSmarts State Coordinator
- Serving as a mentor to new LifeSmarts coaches / teachers or teams
- Sharing lesson plans / learning units to be posted in our LifeSmarts Curriculum and Lesson Sharing Forum
- Helping host / teaching / presenting at a LifeSmarts State Competition or scrimmage
- Helping host/ teaching / presenting a LifeSmarts educational workshop or training
- Teaching / presenting workshops on LifeSmarts within your state or association
- Education presentation at LifeSmarts National Championship – 1 hour program, CEU = .1
- Coach training webinars, Zoom sessions, conference calls or conference sessions
- Writing and submitting questions for LifeSmarts competition
- Promoting LifeSmarts within your state or association
- Please let us know if you have other LifeSmarts activities that we can award CEU’s for
Apply for your CEU Certificate (Clicking here verifies that you have read the above document and that you have accurately calculated your CEUs)
Questions? Ideas? Email the LifeSmarts Program Staff