Student Permission and Release Form 2025

  • Student Permission and Release Form

  • By signing below, I certify that I understand that participation in LifeSmarts may require travel to other areas and/or states and may require me to miss some school or work. I am willing to agree to the following terms in order to participate in LifeSmarts: 1. I release and hold harmless the National Consumers League (NCL), sponsoring groups and /or organizations, their agents and /or employees, from any harm or damage to me or my property arising out of my participation in LifeSmarts. 2. I agree that NCL is the sole owner of the rights to the LifeSmarts name, program, logo, materials, copyrights and service marks and all royalties, income, and /or fees in connection with LifeSmarts. 3. I waive all claims for payment of money in connection with my participation in LifeSmarts. 4. I grant this permission to the rights of my image, likeness and sound of my voice as recorded by photographic, audio or video means, without time limit, payment, or any other consideration. I also grant the National Consumers League the right to edit, use, and reuse said material for any purposes or activity, however distributed or sold, including use in print, advertising, social media, the internet, and all other forms of media. I also hereby release the National Consumers League and its agents and employees from all claims, demands, and liabilities whatsoever in connection with the above.
  • If NO is selected, participant’s parent/legal guardian must complete and sign below: By signing below, I certify that I am the parent/legal guardian of the above participant and have the authority to make this agreement on behalf of the participant. I give my permission and consent that the participant may take part in state and national LifeSmarts competitions. I agree to the foregoing terms on behalf of the participant.