Distribute to members of the media after the state competition in order to encourage interviews with winning coach and team about success at state and their upcoming travels to national event. This sample would need to be tailored to the individual details of a state competition, including the sponsoring coordinator, mention of corporate sponsors, and information about the event.
(LOGO HERE optional)
Media Release
For Immediate Release
(Headline): Teens from <High School> Take <State> State LifeSmarts Title
(Subhead): Champs to Travel to Orlando to Compete in National Event
CITY, ST—NAME OF SCHOOL beat out XX teams and captured the STATE State LifeSmarts Championship by successfully fielding questions about real-life marketplace issues at LOCATION on DATE OF STATE COMPETITION.
LifeSmarts, a consumer education competition that challenges teens in grades 9-12 about personal finance, health and safety, the environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities, is a program of the National Consumers League. In STATE, NAME OF COORDINATOR, of ORGANZATION/Affiliation runs the program.
Teens from across the state first competed online for a chance to go to the in-person state finals held ADD DATE AND PLACE HERE. State champions NAME OF SCHOOL have qualified for the national LifeSmarts competition to be held in Orlando April 13-16, 2019.
“LifeSmarts participants in STATE have gained many of the consumer ‘smarts’ they’ll need to make it in the real world,” said STATE COORDINATOR NAME AND AGENCY OR ORGANIZATION. “We’re proud to have NAME OF SCHOOL represent us at the National LifeSmarts Championship.”
Other teams participating in the state finals included ADD NAMES HERE OR JUST LIST TOP FOUR TEAMS.
“LifeSmarts participants win by learning to avoid common consumer pitfalls, navigate the government, and understand credit card jargon before they have to sign on the dotted line,” said Sally Greenberg, Executive Director of the National Consumers League.
LifeSmarts is a program of the National Consumers League. State coordinators implement the program locally. For more information, visit: www.lifesmarts.org, email lifesmarts@nclnet.org, or call the National Consumers League’s communications department at 202-835-3323. The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization. NCL’s mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. NCL is a private, nonprofit membership organization. For more information about NCL, visit www.nclnet.org or email media@nclnet.org.